Pharmacy parking lot find. 2016
This prized find deserves to be split in sections. There is so much material here, it simply cannot be digested in one sitting.
This is part 1 of 2.
Written on loose leaf paper and pretty fragile. This has been in a pocket for a while and repeatedly opened and refolded. Was of value for someone.
*GET Big Rock/Hydro Place Drug reference? Locate earthy boulder for use as a weapon? Acquire more minerals for collection? Well, it has a star and is highlighted in red. Important. Red is also scary.
THE Lost Book….. then arrow to The Lost Book of NOSTRADAMUS 12:00PM & 6:00pm. Underlined. Written carefully. Possibly movie times. Maybe meeting times for a book club? If I was Nostradamus, I would fucking know
….ADAMS first wife Lilith or Lilitu. The only difference in the names is the last letter. What a difference a letter makes. The names goes from a basic, garden variety, Western Hemisphere girl to something out of a Johnathan Swift novel. Must regroup at the Hydro Place to contemplate
Drawing of a demon. It’s even red!!
Demon (midrash) Hebrew to Investigate WTF? Investigate Adam’s wife? The big rock? Why Hebrew?
Call Tony:
SHIT. PT F (circled) OK, not sure if these two lines are a combined task or separate. Let’s combine them. Call Tony – crossed off. Must have called Tony. SHIT. Did Tony shit? Is this an exclamation in regards to calling Tony? Does PT stand for Part Time? F (circled) stand for Full time? So, does this notate that Tony was called to find out if he is a Full Time Shitter?
Oil Crossed off. Acquired. Is this the vegetable type? Massage? Something for the aforementioned big rock?
TP Circled but not crossed off. Seems important. TP is important.
Peanut Butter Crossed off. Acquired. Scarily more important than TP. I hate that these are really close together on the list
PHARMACY Calmoseptine? $_.__ The writer seems to have some type of rash. Maybe from Tony and his full time shitting? I appreciate the fill-in-the-blank pricing. It reminds me of The Price is Right. I’m assuming it wasn’t purchased because a) it’s not crossed off and b) the price is not filled in.
Call Tommy W. Poor Tommy W. Not crossed off. Must have not called him. Must have called Tommy T. instead
This prized find deserves to be split in sections. There is so much material here, it simply cannot be digested in one sitting.
This is part 1 of 2.
Written on loose leaf paper and pretty fragile. This has been in a pocket for a while and repeatedly opened and refolded. Was of value for someone.
*GET Big Rock/Hydro Place Drug reference? Locate earthy boulder for use as a weapon? Acquire more minerals for collection? Well, it has a star and is highlighted in red. Important. Red is also scary.
THE Lost Book….. then arrow to The Lost Book of NOSTRADAMUS 12:00PM & 6:00pm. Underlined. Written carefully. Possibly movie times. Maybe meeting times for a book club? If I was Nostradamus, I would fucking know
….ADAMS first wife Lilith or Lilitu. The only difference in the names is the last letter. What a difference a letter makes. The names goes from a basic, garden variety, Western Hemisphere girl to something out of a Johnathan Swift novel. Must regroup at the Hydro Place to contemplate
Drawing of a demon. It’s even red!!
Demon (midrash) Hebrew to Investigate WTF? Investigate Adam’s wife? The big rock? Why Hebrew?
Call Tony:
SHIT. PT F (circled) OK, not sure if these two lines are a combined task or separate. Let’s combine them. Call Tony – crossed off. Must have called Tony. SHIT. Did Tony shit? Is this an exclamation in regards to calling Tony? Does PT stand for Part Time? F (circled) stand for Full time? So, does this notate that Tony was called to find out if he is a Full Time Shitter?
Oil Crossed off. Acquired. Is this the vegetable type? Massage? Something for the aforementioned big rock?
TP Circled but not crossed off. Seems important. TP is important.
Peanut Butter Crossed off. Acquired. Scarily more important than TP. I hate that these are really close together on the list
PHARMACY Calmoseptine? $_.__ The writer seems to have some type of rash. Maybe from Tony and his full time shitting? I appreciate the fill-in-the-blank pricing. It reminds me of The Price is Right. I’m assuming it wasn’t purchased because a) it’s not crossed off and b) the price is not filled in.
Call Tommy W. Poor Tommy W. Not crossed off. Must have not called him. Must have called Tommy T. instead
Summer of 68
Nite ride to
Ferndale Pumping
Station, water tower
To get gang value
Drain commishoner (A.T.F.)
This part sounds like a nightmare. And probably illegal. Gang value? Commishoner? Better call the ATF!
Synopsis: Big rocks during a Nostradamus book reading are crucial for the ATF agent, Tony
Vowel Pellet
Nite ride to
Ferndale Pumping
Station, water tower
To get gang value
Drain commishoner (A.T.F.)
This part sounds like a nightmare. And probably illegal. Gang value? Commishoner? Better call the ATF!
Synopsis: Big rocks during a Nostradamus book reading are crucial for the ATF agent, Tony
Vowel Pellet