Aisle Twenty February 2022 Found this beaut in a grocery cart in the Meijer parking lot.
Paper is thin and almost fabric-like from being handled often and/or tucked in pocket. At least it wasn’t warm when I found it. Fun penmanship, possibly written by a male.
Kleenix Love this spelling. I know that’s exactly how they pronounce it. Possibly on the list for emotional reasons. Maybe they have COVID? UGH – again glad the list wasn’t warm. Bananas Potassium Boost? Or did they get one of those specific banana hooks for the kitchen counter? Is this shit just for show? Yougart Hey! You! Go gart yourself OJ That curly O is kinda cute. But they better not be buying that pulp free variety. Pussy Miralax Taking back that cute thing now Prune Juice Crossed off. Hopefully because they changed their minds. OMG. Imagine a Miralax/Prune Juice Cocktail?! RIP your asshole You Ham Bone-in? haha Milk cream What? We now gotta differentiate between like Hand/Milk/Antifungal/Bryl? Nothing else on this list is that specific. Paper plates Party? Can they not wash dishes? Is their water shut off? Better not be with that nasty ass Miralax cocktail party. Dog Food This absolutely has to be an emotional support animal. Obvious last minute addition to the list: Look for lamb shank – Appreciate the eyeballs in the O’s. Don’t appreciate lamb at all though. Gross. And I really don’t appreciate anyone shanking lambs. Wait – are they gonna make a shank out of that ham bone? Then they buy some Kleenix because they figure they are gonna cry about it? WTF? WHAT ABOUT THE LAMB? Synopsis: Pack your shit and get out of my town